COPLA is an application for plasmid classification in Plasmid Taxonomic Units (PTUs). This web service is an online implementation of COPLA. If you find it useful for your work, please cite:

Redondo-Salvo, S., Bartomeus, R., Vielva, L., Tagg, K.A., Webb, H.E., Fernandez-Lopez, R., de la Cruz, F. (2020) "COPLA, a taxonmic classifier of plasmids". bioRxiv
Redondo-Salvo, S., Fernandez-Lopez, R., Ruiz., R., Vielva, L., de Toro, M., Rocha, E.P.C., Garcillan-Barcia, M.P., de la Cruz, F. (2020) "Pathways for Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria Revealed by a Global Map of Their Plasmids". Nat Commun 11, 3602

COPLA additional information

COPLA uses several third-party software and databases for its operation. Please, consider citing them when appropriate: